On tonight's show (12-02-07) I played some tracks I discovered on my journey through the internet blog. Andy set me on my way with the first one, but the subsequent sites were all stumbled upon by yours truly. Here goes...
www.goodweatherforairstrikes.com - Amazing Top 50 from last year...check out The Maccabees at 35, and Snowfight In The City Cente at 7 for two tracks I wanted to play but didn't. Maybe I'll wait 'til 6 on Wednesday...anyway, from here I downloaded Bloc Party - Selfish Son, and that amazing track Thou Shalt Always Kill by Dans Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, my favourite lines being ''Thall shalt not stop liking a band just because they’ve become popular" and "Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry". A lesson for us all. You can find all the lyrics on this site.
http://this.bigstereo.net - Here's where I found The Avalanches - Ray of Zdarlight which is a bootleg of two other tracks and not a brand new track as I mentioned. Oops.
www.saidthegramophone.com was my next stop, which I reached via www.headphonesex.co.uk which is a site I'm sure we'll return to. On saidthegramophone.com I rediscovered 1990s - You're Supposed To Be My Friend, a track I reviewed for Fuse in November time...ballsy guitars and lots of 'aaaaaa's' sang by the drummer. Top that.
I then discovered http://noisefortoaster.blogspot.com which I thought was cool and has 'the fish has got ears' written at the top which I thought was even cooler. Here I found The Little Ones - Oh MJ! which I played and also The Go Find - Dictionary which I didn't but you should check out anyway because it's ace.
The remaining track was by the brilliantly named Suburban Kids With Biblical Names and was called Loop Duplicate My Heart which I've decided I like. Find it at http://music.for-robots.com .
Hope I've proven that if I can do it then so can you...tune in next week for more exciting discoveries.
Harry x
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